You are welcome to join our community of guest bloggers. We value your contributions and showcase them to a wide audience seeking technical resources. This will be a fantastic opportunity to increase exposure for writers and brands. Our blog page is the place where content-savvy and tech nerds meet.
We expect all our writers to meet either of these purposes of blogging – to educate, entertain, inspire, or convince. Also, the submitted article should be:
Engaging a targeted audience.
Socially shareable by an interested audience.
Insightful for industry experts with a strong message.
As a software development company, our visitors are mostly technology enthusiasts - specifically business owners, developers, designers, clients, job applicants, students, etc. Hence, we accept articles only on the below verticals.
Emerging technologies
Technology frameworks
Disruptive solution
Digital Marketing
Tech solutions
How to guide
No plagiarism! We use CopyScape and it is at the Executive Editor’s decision whether the offense warrants a warning or removal from the Contributing Experts roster.
No self-plagiarism: You can’t “borrow” sentences from your own prior published content, or from company blog posts (or other written materials). If you’re going to use someone else’s words/thoughts, it must be properly attributed.
Share your own experiences. Don’t rely heavily on quoting influencers, experts, or authorities from other sites.Be the expert!
Our minimum post length for Contributing Experts is 1,000 words.
If you want to write an in-depth post that is more than 1000 words, our editorial team will review the article for keyword insertion and suggest you.
Longer posts tend to get more page views, time on the page, and social love. However, they also burn you out a lot quicker.
The best posts are clear, concise, and only as long as they need to be. After all, our readers are busy. Tell them what they need to know and get out.
Short paragraphs are easier to understand and digest (particularly on mobile), help drive your point across, and encourage reading in this age of information overload and short attention spans.
Your headline should be interesting enough to entice people to click on it. It should be optimized for search and social media and have a character count of 70 characters maximum.
We A/B test headlines – your main headline and two alternates. Alternate headlines must be less than 70 characters.
Our editorial team looks for links to clients, friends, or appear self-serving in some way. In some cases, the promotion may be unintentional, but it will still have the same effect.
No links to people’s home pages for their companies for quotes or cited sources. Linking to sources’ Twitter handles, LinkedIn profiles, or another type of bio page is OK.
No self-promotional calls to action (“Our new blog post covers this topic in detail. Click here to read!”).
No linking to gated content.
Any links that appear promotional or superfluous will be removed by editorial staff.
We reserve the right to add rel=”nofollow” to any link or remove a link at any time, before or after an article is published.
No links to websites in these areas: pills/RX, porn, gambling, and payday loans.
Use H2 headings for your subheadings.
Avoid bolding within sentences.
No span tags.
No div tags.
No filler/font formatting that affects content appearance.
For Pete’s sake: one space after punctuation.
Use H3 headings for sections within your subheadings. If you need to go another level deeper, it should be bold (not H4).
Write out single numbers “one..nine.” 10 and up are written as digits. Percentages are written as digits.
Example URLs (e.g. need to be plain text (not hyperlinked).
An Extensive Guide to Web Applications
7 Reasons Employee Engagement is Gaining Importance
The Handbook of Inspection and Maintenance Management System
You aren’t writing to sell a product or recommend a particular product or service.
You’re writing to share your expertise, information, insights, and ideas with our audience.
Our technology audience can smell a sales pitch or gratuitous client mention a mile away.
If you think the above instructions are valid, send your article to with the subject line “Guest Post for Colan Infotech.” You will receive a reply by mail within three business days. We’re happy to collaborate.